
The mailbox autoresponder can be set when you are on vacation of absent for any reason. Once set up all incoming emails to the chosen mailbox will be automatically replied to with a preset response.

To set the autoresponder navigate to the mailbox settings and set the Autoresponder section to active. Once active you may select a timezone, this is important as specific times may be chosen for the autoresponder to be active for each day of the week and if you client are in other parts of the world an incorrect timezone may cause your autoresponder not to be sent. A template can be used or a custom message my be added to an autoresponder email, in either case variables are available to be added.

{{date}} – representing the current date

{{nextAvailableDate}} – represent the next a date in the crew planner your user account is not booked for.

These variables will be replaced when with the corresponding value when the email is triggered. Adding these two variables to your autoresponder message template allows the same template to be used multiple times without the need to manually change the dates you are out of the office.

Finally, as mentioned, the exact time of day the autoresponder is active can also be defined. Each day of the week may be customized to allow for inconsistent absences (9am-1pm on Tuesday and Wednesday for example), however adding “0” to a day will automatically set the responder as active for the entire day. Details on this and more are explained in the tutorial below:

SquidWeb mailbox has a number of features designed to help you manage your mailbox quickly and easily. Here are a few of our recommendation to help you work quickly and efficiently:

Keyboard Shortcuts:

Select and email and press the following command to perform the action.

CTRL + A:  Reply;

CTRL + C:  Mark as spam;

CTRL + D:  Mark as done;

CTRL + G:  Refresh grid;

DELETE:  Delete mail

Using keyboard shortcuts:

Move to done

If you have multiple emails that are “Read-only” in that they do not require a response or any further action from you or your colleagues, mark this as done right right away: Hold SHIFT to select multiple emails and press CTRL+D

Mark as Spam

Select multiple emails with SHIFT and press CTRL+X. The email status will change to “Deleted” but they will still be in the mailbox until the page is refreshed, press CTRL+G to refresh the grid and remove the marked spam. The page does not refresh automatically incase you make a mistake and need to change a status back from deleted or add additional mail to the spam list.

Reply quickly

To write a response, select the mail in the mailbox and press CTRL+A to instantly open the reply email dialog, type the body of text and when you are done simply press CTRL+ENTER to send the mail without needing to click.

Default mailbox

If you set a default mailbox, new mail will be sent from that address by default and you can filter the mailbox to display only your default mailbox by selecting the “Default” button in the header.

Choosing a default mailbox is simple:

  • Navigate to your profile settings in the top right corner of the dashboard
  • Select ‘User Settings’
  • Select your chosen mailbox from the ‘mailbox’ dropdown menu
  • Save

Mailbox filter, status indicators and search function

The mailbox filter allows you to manually select which mailbox is displayed whereas selecting the “default” button will show your chosen default mailbox. When opening the filter you will be able to select from all the mailboxes your user account has access to, both public and private mailboxes will be available to select.

You will notice a list of numbers below each available mailbox, these numbers represent the amount of emails in each status in this order:


The amount of mails in the selected mailbox is also displayed in the status filter menu

The mailbox allows full text search which means sender, subject and email body search.

Additional tips

If you accidentally close your tab or the new email dialog, your mail will be automatically saved as a draft that can be accessed at any time. To find a draft email select the “Draft” from the status filter.

Show History:
To view only the email history between the selected mailbox and a specific contact, right click on any email from the contact and select “show history”, this will filter out any other mail from the mailbox that does not include this contact. There is also a container in the SidePanel titled ‘Email history’ that will display the same content.



An Email can be marked as spam in the Mailbox by selecting it and simply pressing CRTL + X.
The email content field will be automatically updated to “SPAM” and the status will be set to “Deleted” once the mail is marked as SPAM, it will also disappear after the page is refreshed so no further action is needed.

Select the Type cell on the far left of the mail and press CTRL+ x OR right click on it and select “Mark as spam”:

If you want to access an email that has already been marked as SPAM, select the “deleted” status from the status filter to view all deleted emails.


  • Select the type cell on the far left of the inbox email row
  • Press CTRL+X OR right click and select “Mark as spam”
  • Email will status will be changed to Deleted
  • Email content field in the “email assignment” container will be updated to Spam
  • Refresh the page and the email will be gone
  • View deleted status email to access an email accidentally marked as spam

This feature is currently only supports websites built using wordpress.

The Vacancies feature allow you to create a job posting and post it directly on to your company website. Job vacancies created in SquidWeb will be displayed on a page of your website of your via our SquidWen wordpres plugin.

Creating vacancies is quick and easy with SquidWeb vacancies. Much like filling in a questionnaire, all required fields are provided by SquidWeb and all you need to do is enter the relevant information, the job post will then be formatted and posted to your website with a single click. Vacancies can also be deactivated once the position has been filled, or re activated should the position become available again, so there is no need to create the same job advert again and again.

Getting started

The Vacancies feature can be found in the main menu as part of the Recruitment suite. The Vacancies page is split into 2 parts, the MainPanel and the SidePanel, like many features in SquidWeb, the MainPanel will display the information of the item selected in the SidePanel. In the example below, selecting a vacancy from the Vacancies List container (SidePanel) will display all the details of that vacancy in the Vacancy Details container (MainPanel):

Adding a Vacancy

To create a new vacancy, select “add new vacancy” from the Vacancies list container menu.

This will trigger the new vacancy dialog that will prompt you to add caption (title) of the vacancy, the company in your tenancy it belongs to and, optional start and end dates. Selecting “Create” will generate a new, empty vacancy.
All the details of the vacancy can now be entered to the vacancy details container header:

Caption – Title of the vacancy (already completed in vacancy creation)
Link – Once the vacancy has been published the URL will be available to post in any other platform.
Category – The group the vacancy will be displayed under. The category will usually be a location so all “London” jobs will be displayed together for example.
Company – Company posting the job.
Contact – Contact group responsible for the job posting.
Person – Contact person responsible for the job posting. This name will appear on the website as the contact name.
Region/Location – Area the applicants will be expected to work in.
Description – Editable text field to add information about the job for the applicants to read.

Status – There are 2 status options, Design and Released, a vacancy should remain in design until it is ready to be published so other users know it is not ready.
From/To – The date the vacancy is available for (may already be filled from vacancy creation)
User – The user that created the vacancy should be selected from the drop menu.
Email – The email application will be sent to. This address will appear on the website alongside the contact person.
is Active – If this box is not checked the vacancy will not appear online. Mark as active when it is ready.
is Template – If this is marked the vacancy will be available to use as a template when creating future vacancies.

Assign documents

Applicants will be required to upload specific documents when apply for a job vacancy, these documents can be defined in SquidWeb when creating the vacancy.
In the lower section of the SidePanel you will find the “Assigned document types” container. The documents assigned to the vacancy will depend on the job being advertised and can be turned on or off as needed.

A document can be marked as “required” or “active”, if a document is marked as required, it will be automatically set to active, but a document set to active is not automatically set to required.
For Example if a Cover Letter is set to active but not required, the option will be available on the application page but the user may send their application without including it.
To assign documents to a vacancy, select the desired document from the list and mark the “R” column with a single click. If a document is not required but desired, mark it as active and it will be included as an option on the application page for the applicant.

Once the details have be added, the job description has been written, and the documents have been assigned the vacancy status should be set to “active”. The vacancies page can then be synced and the new job posting will be posted on the web page, this is done by selected the “Sync” option in the Vacancies list container.

That’s all you need to to do post a new job vacancy! After you have synced Squidweb with your website, the new vacancy will appear on the page and be ready to accept applications. To view how to handle applications check out our Applications article.

Crew members can make a vacation request from the appointments page of the SquidWeb mobile app. Once the day is selected in the appointments calendar an option will appear at the bottom of the page to submit a vacation request.
Selecting “Request Vacation” will trigger the request dialog. The user can choose a period and which time of the day they want to request vacation time for. By default, the whole day (00:00-23:59) will be included in the request unless the crew member sets a specific time.

Once the request has been sent, it will be available in the “Vacation Request Container” on the SquidWeb desktop version Today page.
Right clicking on a request in this container will offer response options, selecting one of these options will trigger an email template, that should be set up in your templates page:

  • Reject – MSGVacationRequestReject template will be triggered, refusing the vacation – this template should include a reason.
  • Confirm – MSGVacationRequestConfirm template will be triggered, confirming the vacation has been granted
  • Confirm+PCI – MSGVacationRequestConfirmPCI template will be triggered, again confirming the request and also create a PCI in the vacation project.
  • Show Contact Person – Open the contact details page of the employee requesting the vacation.

Selecting the Confirm+PCI option will trigger an email dialog with additional options at the bottom to select the vacation project and confirm the PCI details.
The PCI section of the email dialog will be auto filled with the date and times requested by the employee but may be edited it needed.
The designated vacation project must be selected from the project field.

The crew profile comment field is located at the bottom of the crew profile container. Any information added to the crew profile comment will be displayed in the crew member details card in the mobile app for colleagues and clients to read.

This can be used to showcase the crew member’s functions, company trainings or any other qualifications they may have in order to give the client or crew leader an idea of whom the crew member is at a glance:

[The crew profile comment field as shown in the crew profile container in the crew calendar]

[The crew profile comment displayed in mobile app when the user selects the crew member from the crew list]

Update the crew comment
This field should be updated periodically by office staff after each meeting. It is important that this field is updated regularly as the crew member progresses and learns new skills to keep the clients and other crew members up to date on any new information.
The field can be edited or added to at any time from the crew profile container.

Crew tags can be assigned to a crew member from their crew profile. Tags are used to filter the crew into groups based – applying a tag filter will show only the crew members with that tag assigned to their profile.

New tag groups can now be created and edited anytime. New tag groups can be color coded and existing tag groups can be edited and customized.

Open the tags dialog from any crew member profile to access these option. Here is a quick guide to show you how:

SquidWeb’s mailbox is an integrated email system that allows for the creation and processing of mail for public or private mailboxes – an address can be created for individual team members or company departments.

As well as being a fully functional email client- allowing users to read, filter, reply, forward and create emails – Mailbox allows users to assign an email to other destination within in SquidWeb:
An email can be assigned to a specific category such as ‘Projects’, ‘Invoices’ or ‘Receipts’. Once a mail is assigned to ‘Projects’ for example, it may then be attached to an existing project or a new project can be created directly from the mailbox page:

To create a project directly from the mailbox page, right click the email in the email list or its attachment, the email must have the status ‘assigned’ or ‘received’.

Emails and their attachments will be accessible from their assigned destination.

Mail- Appointments enable to send a new email or replying to an existing email chain, with the option of adding a Jitsi meeting appointment which will be automatically added to the calendar authorized via Squid, which is in most cases Google Calendar.

Show email history can be used to quickly identify the history and all statuses connected to an email chain. It can be seen under the specific email and on the right hand side Email history container:

Draft emails can also be created to prevent email lose. If SquidWeb is accidentally closed, or refreshed, for any reason while an email is being written, a draft email will be created to store the email. Saving the content of the mail to be sent later. Once created draft emails can be accessed by selecting the number in the email list container header. Clicking on this button will filter the email list to show only mail with the status “Draft”:

Draft emails can also be filtered by selecting “Draft” from the status filter in the email list header. For details on how to display and interact with the status filter, as well as full details on all other Mailbox features, layout and functionality, watch our tutorial video here:


SquidWeb is full of shortcuts and features that will help make your life easier.

We have combined all the tips and tricks we learned from our users at the 2019 Squidlympics to create this ultimate user guide to efficient project creation.

Using these shortcuts will help you streamline your workflow and might help you out in the busy season…

Check out the video here!

If a crew member’s profile picture is bigger than 100kb it can slow SquidWeb down, if there are many crew members with large profile pictures this can greatly affect the time taken to load features like the crew planner.

To solve this issue simply resize the image to remove and unnecessary background content from the photo.