
The default button will reset the project, including all filters, back to the original project view with a single click.

The button is located in the header of the project crew items container and once clicked, any crew filters or supplier selections you have made to the project since you started working on it will be reset to display all PCI’s and all crews in their original order.

Bookmarks are used to navigate quickly to important or frequently used webpage in Google Chrome. Any page in SquidWeb can be saved as a bookmark to be accessed quickly from anywhere in the browser.

We recommend creating a folder for your SquidWeb bookmarks to keep them all in one easy to access place.

To create a folder, right click anywhere in the browser header and select “new folder” from the menu. Bookmarks can then be saved directly into this folder.

To save a new bookmark navigate to the page you wish to save and click the Star Icon to the right of the  address bar in the browser page header, make sure your folder is selected from the folder menu and click “Done”. The newly created bookmark will now be listed in the folder.

Working with bookmarks is a great way to improve your efficiency with SquidWeb, save a several pages that you regularly use on a day-to-day basis, we recommend the Today, mailbox and projects pages as your first bookmarks. At the start of each working day you can open the folder in Chrome and open all bookmarks in one action.

For full details and instructions on how exactly to create a folder and save bookmarks, watch our tutorial below:

Key Account is an account (or client in the case of SquidWeb) which makes sustainably repeat purchases from the supplier. The relationship between buyer and supplier in a key account is one of mutual dependence, with both working towards achieving a win-win outcome. SquidWeb allows you to assign selected clients as key account and assign a team member as the account manager, helping you grow your relationship and maintain a profitable partnership.

Identify a key account

A Robot can be set up in SquidWeb to define the parameters by which key accounts are chosen. We recommend the following settings to start:

  • with a turnover in the last 3 month > 5.000 €
  • which had a turnover in 2018, 2019, 2020 > 10.000 €

will be defined as a key account. Every client that meets the set parameters of the Robot will have the key account field displayed their contact details container, in which the key account manager can be assigned.  It is also possible for every client to be assigned as a key account, if the planning manager decides this.

Assigning a Key Account Manager

The planning manager should decide with the trained key account managers, who is the best choice for the key account is. The chosen person will assign himself to the contact by completing the ToDo. A robot will set up a ToDo for planners to assign the key account manager.

key account manager’s main role is to retain top customers and nurture those key relationships over time. Ideally, they become a strategic partner and advisor to the client.

Key Account Maintenance

Robots can again be set up to help the account manager maintain their relationship with the contact. If, for example, no contact has been made within 2 weeks, a ToDo will automatically be set up for the manager to complete. Similarly, if the turnover decreases below a set amount, 30% for example, the manager is assigned a ToDo to contact them.

Key account robots

Robots will act as a reminder to the account manager to all of their assigned accounts. The robot will be triggered when an account triggers a certain parameter.
These parameters can be defined on an account by account basis, allowing the planning manager to set uniform rules for all account managers.
A robot must be created to automatically send ToDos according to the defined the parameters for the following situations:
* The threshold at which the contact is assigned as a key account.
* The initial contact that must be made by the account manager.
* The period of time after which the account manager should make contact with the client.
* The threshold under which the account has preformed before the account manager must take action.

SquidWeb is responsible for checking the account and assigned ToDo’s automatically, saving the account manager the need to constantly check all assigned accounts.

Contact SquidWeb Support for assistance setting up Key Account Robots.

The mailbox autoresponder can be set when you are on vacation of absent for any reason. Once set up all incoming emails to the chosen mailbox will be automatically replied to with a preset response.

To set the autoresponder navigate to the mailbox settings and set the Autoresponder section to active. Once active you may select a timezone, this is important as specific times may be chosen for the autoresponder to be active for each day of the week and if you client are in other parts of the world an incorrect timezone may cause your autoresponder not to be sent. A template can be used or a custom message my be added to an autoresponder email, in either case variables are available to be added.

{{date}} – representing the current date

{{nextAvailableDate}} – represent the next a date in the crew planner your user account is not booked for.

These variables will be replaced when with the corresponding value when the email is triggered. Adding these two variables to your autoresponder message template allows the same template to be used multiple times without the need to manually change the dates you are out of the office.

Finally, as mentioned, the exact time of day the autoresponder is active can also be defined. Each day of the week may be customized to allow for inconsistent absences (9am-1pm on Tuesday and Wednesday for example), however adding “0” to a day will automatically set the responder as active for the entire day. Details on this and more are explained in the tutorial below:

Crew members may update their profile picture at any time from their mobile app. Any new image that is uploaded must first be approved by an office staff member before it is live on their profile, this should help with any inappropriate uploads.

This tutorial will show you how to upload a new picture and approve any changes made from SquidWeb. Dont forget we also have a video for the crew members that will not include the approval function.

SquidWeb mailbox has a number of features designed to help you manage your mailbox quickly and easily. Here are a few of our recommendation to help you work quickly and efficiently:

Keyboard Shortcuts:

Select and email and press the following command to perform the action.

CTRL + A:  Reply;

CTRL + C:  Mark as spam;

CTRL + D:  Mark as done;

CTRL + G:  Refresh grid;

DELETE:  Delete mail

Using keyboard shortcuts:

Move to done

If you have multiple emails that are “Read-only” in that they do not require a response or any further action from you or your colleagues, mark this as done right right away: Hold SHIFT to select multiple emails and press CTRL+D

Mark as Spam

Select multiple emails with SHIFT and press CTRL+X. The email status will change to “Deleted” but they will still be in the mailbox until the page is refreshed, press CTRL+G to refresh the grid and remove the marked spam. The page does not refresh automatically incase you make a mistake and need to change a status back from deleted or add additional mail to the spam list.

Reply quickly

To write a response, select the mail in the mailbox and press CTRL+A to instantly open the reply email dialog, type the body of text and when you are done simply press CTRL+ENTER to send the mail without needing to click.

Default mailbox

If you set a default mailbox, new mail will be sent from that address by default and you can filter the mailbox to display only your default mailbox by selecting the “Default” button in the header.

Choosing a default mailbox is simple:

  • Navigate to your profile settings in the top right corner of the dashboard
  • Select ‘User Settings’
  • Select your chosen mailbox from the ‘mailbox’ dropdown menu
  • Save

Mailbox filter, status indicators and search function

The mailbox filter allows you to manually select which mailbox is displayed whereas selecting the “default” button will show your chosen default mailbox. When opening the filter you will be able to select from all the mailboxes your user account has access to, both public and private mailboxes will be available to select.

You will notice a list of numbers below each available mailbox, these numbers represent the amount of emails in each status in this order:


The amount of mails in the selected mailbox is also displayed in the status filter menu

The mailbox allows full text search which means sender, subject and email body search.

Additional tips

If you accidentally close your tab or the new email dialog, your mail will be automatically saved as a draft that can be accessed at any time. To find a draft email select the “Draft” from the status filter.

Show History:
To view only the email history between the selected mailbox and a specific contact, right click on any email from the contact and select “show history”, this will filter out any other mail from the mailbox that does not include this contact. There is also a container in the SidePanel titled ‘Email history’ that will display the same content.



An Email can be marked as spam in the Mailbox by selecting it and simply pressing CRTL + X.
The email content field will be automatically updated to “SPAM” and the status will be set to “Deleted” once the mail is marked as SPAM, it will also disappear after the page is refreshed so no further action is needed.

Select the Type cell on the far left of the mail and press CTRL+ x OR right click on it and select “Mark as spam”:

If you want to access an email that has already been marked as SPAM, select the “deleted” status from the status filter to view all deleted emails.


  • Select the type cell on the far left of the inbox email row
  • Press CTRL+X OR right click and select “Mark as spam”
  • Email will status will be changed to Deleted
  • Email content field in the “email assignment” container will be updated to Spam
  • Refresh the page and the email will be gone
  • View deleted status email to access an email accidentally marked as spam

A crew member expense report is sent to an external payroll company when additional pay is required for an expenses such as parking or catering.  The expense report can be uploaded to the project in SquidWeb and then assigned to the related crew member (PCI).

To do this:

  • Upload a new document to the project documents container by selecting the ‘+’ icon or selecting “upload new document” from the container menu.
  • Select the file from your device.
  • Select document type “Crew expense external”, this will trigger the “crew item” and “additional info” fields to be displayed in the upload dialog.
  • Select the crew item (PCI) the expense report is for and add any additional info needed to explain what the expense is for.

Once the report is uploaded it will be available for preview and download in the project documents container.

Crew members may also upload their own expense report from the mobile app, a tutorial for how to do this will be available to send to crew member soon.

The pre-call indicator displays the current status of the crew member’s check in process. A colored circle will be displayed next to the crew members name, in both the mobile and desktop version of the planning calendar.

This will help planners stay abreast of the current situation without the need to contact the crew chief or act accordingly if any issue are identified by the status indicators.
The status indicator is located next to the crew members name in the planning calendar crew card.

This feature is available in the desktop and mobile version of SquidWeb (functionality is the same in both iterations).


The colors indicate the following status:

  • Empty dot – No action has been taken by the crew member
  • Yellow dot – Pre call done
  • Green dot – Checked in
  • Grey dot – Checked out
  • Red blinking – Something has gone wrong –
    (for example, pre call not been complete but check in has.)

The membership crew feature allows users to assign a crew member to a specific crew that can then be easily filtered in the Crew Planner.
A membership crew can be assigned to a client and company. Once they are assigned to a client, they are immediately visible in the client app.
Crew members can be assigned to membership by the Membership Crews container; located under the Crew Profile container on the Crew Planner page or on the Contact Person Details page.

Membership crews can be assigned, created or edited from the membership crews container; located under the Crew Profile container on the Crew Planner page or under the Person emails container on the Contact Person Details page.

Assigning a crew member to membership crew

To assign a crew member to a membership crew, select the crew member (if you are on the crew planner) and select “Assign to membership crew” from the container menu.
The Assign dialog will be triggered. Select the crew you wish to assign the crew member to and choose the type of assignment, Blacklist or Whitelist. If a crew member is blacklisted for a specific membership crew they will not appear in any searches for this crew. A beginning and end date can also be added to a membership assignment, if the crew member is only working for a single project or on a seasonal arrangement, for example.

A beginning and end date can also be added to a membership assignment, if the crew member is only working for a single project or on a seasonal arrangement for example.

Add new membership crew
To create a new membership crew select “Add new membership crews” from the menu. The new crew dialog will be triggered.
There are 3 crew types to choose from:

  • Membership
  • MembershipStaff
  • Blacklist

The description field is optional but you must assign a contact and company to the new crew.
Set the crew to active in order for it to appear in the membership crews list.